- Bayonne School District
- Schoology Staff FAQs
What is Schoology?
Schoology is the District's Learning Management System (LMS). This is the tool for communicating with students and families through teacher pages, posting assignments and information for students, and accepting student assignments, among many other things. Students can access Schoology from any computer or mobile device with Internet access.
How do I login to Schoology?
Teachers and students can login into Schoology using their district username and password. To login to Schoology, go to bboed.schoology.com
What do I do if I forgot my password?
Student accounts are managed by the district. if you would like to chage your password please email: techsupport@bboed.org
I have the wrong classes assigned to me. What should I do?
Schoology syncs with Realtime every night. If you were recently scheduled in a new class, please give the system 1 day to update. Check your Realtime schedule to see if it matches. If the data is still incorrect please email the Dr. McAndrew
My class roster is incorrect. What should I do?
Schoology syncs with Realtime every night. If a student was recently scheduled or removed from a class, please give the system 1 day to update. Check your Realtime course roster to see if it matches. If the data is still incorrect please email the Dr. McAdrew
What is my 20-21 school year bell scheudle?
What do I do if my Google Drive account in Schoology gets an error message?You drive account has become disconnected. Please watch this video on how to quikcly reconnect your drive account: Schoology Google Drive Connection
I want to collaborate and share content with teachers. What can I do?
Click here to learn more about how to share resources.
Can my co-teacher access the student Google documents shared in Schoology?
Yes. You have to share your newly created Schoology Google Drive Folder with your co-teacher. See video.
Can I create an assessment but use it later in the school year?
Yes. When you create the assessment, disable submissions and choose UNGRADED for the category (unpublish). By choosing ungraded, the assessment will not appear in the teacher or student gradebook. To use at a later date, click on the gear next to the assessment in the course and choose EDIT, enable submissions, choose a CATEGORY and publish.
If I create an AUDIO question in a Schoology assessment, will students have the opportunity to re-record, if necessary, before submitting?
Yes, students can click on the Record button again. They will receive a message that the original audio file will be replaced. They will click OK and begin a new recording.
Where can I direct parents to go if they need technical assistance?
Parents, studetns and guardiancs who need technical assistance should be directed to visist the BBOED Website page dedicated to Student / Parent Technical Support
Can I add a co-teacher to my course?
Teachers have ability to add co-teachers to their courses. Please refer to the How to Add a Co-teacher QRD for instructions on how to do so.
Teachers can also add student teachers to courses. Studetns teachers will create an individual Schoology Account using a personal email accounts and then the classroom teacher can add them to the course. Please refer to this document on how to do this.
As an Inclusion teacher, can I modify an assessment created by the General Education teacher?
Yes. This video will explain how to create a modified version of an assessment. Disable submissions on the original version and unpublish. Once the modified version is copied into the course, you will need to edit both assessments to enable submissions and individually/group assign both assessments to specific students in the course Modify Assessments
I can no longer create a course. Why is that?
With the Realtime sync in place, your scheduled courses are automatically assigned to your account to allow you to start building your courses immediately. The "Create Course" ability was temporary and enabled for training purposes until the teacher courses from Realtime were brought over.
Can I add parents to their child's Schoology course?
Yes. You will need to provide an access code. Parents will need to follow the directions provided on the Parent Support Page
Teacher: How to provide Parent Access Codes
I am a teacher in the District and I am also a parent in the District, can I link my two accounts?
Yes. You can link your Parent account to your Teacher account. How to link the accounts
Can volunteers access Schoology?
Since Schoology contains student information, volunteers do not have access to Schoology.
Can I use Schoology on a mobile device or tablet?
Yes. Apps are available for both iOS and Android devices.
Click on the applicable resource for more information: