- Bayonne School District
- Physical Education
- BHS Freshman Program
Bayonne High School Freshman Health & Physical Education
*ALL students will receive three marking periods of Physical Education and one marking period of Health Education.
Activity Units: Recreational Activities, Ultimate Games, Pickleball, Ground-level Project Adventure, Fitness, etc.
Health Units: Nutrition, Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Vaping, Sexual Health Education, Mental Health, and Relationships
Missed classes: Any student having to miss class must notify their teacher by email, Schoology, or Remind (if applicable) PRIOR, to missing class. This does not apply if you are absent from school.
Tardiness: Students will be allowed 4 minutes to reach their class. Students arriving after 4 minutes will be marked as LATE if a note is not presented. Missing 10 minutes (or more) without a proper note will be marked as a CUT.
Late/Cut Policy: Students arriving 10 minutes or more from the previous class will be marked as a CUT.
3 lates= 1 Cut 4 Cuts= WN (Withdrawal Notice) WN= No credit for the class
Preparedness: All students must dress appropriately for Physical Education class.
Proper attire includes sneakers or footwear that has protection for the heel and has laces. –
- Uggs, Crocs, slippers, dress shoes, boots, heels, flip flops, etc. are unacceptable and will result in a zero for that specific day. (No exceptions unless medically excused)
- Comfortable clothes must be worn. Students will be allowed to change for class if needed. Skirts and dress clothes are prohibited.
- Deodorant is highly encouraged
Cell Phones: are strictly prohibited during class time. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Medically Excused Students: If a student has a medical excuse that is accompanied by a doctor's note, they will be presented with a written assignment to compensate for the absence(s). An Independent Study will be assigned by their guidance counselor. This assignment can be found on the BBOED website or by clicking here. All documentation must be submitted to the nurse's office. For more information please view the Medical Excuse and Home Instruction Procedures page.
The following items are recommended:
- Deodorant
- GLASS BOTTLES are NOT allowed for safety reasons.
- Cool-weather clothing such as a sweatshirt and sweatpants. During the 1st and 4th marking periods, the physical education classes will go outside.
- Water. There is no access to water while we are outside.