What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program that is implemented to ensure that all students meet or exceed the state academic achievement standards.
A Title I Teacher, also known as an Academic Interventionist, works closely with identified students and their respective teachers in order to support learning success. Students are identified for instructional support based on academic needs throughout the school year. Academic Interventionists' roles involve individual or small-group based instruction in reading, writing, and math to increase positive learning outcomes. Students will not miss out on instructional time.
Note: Title I is not a special needs program.
The New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) includes 3 tiers as shown below. While Tier 1 pertains to the support of all students, Tier 2 includes Title 1 academic support.
New Jersey Tiered System of Supports

Find more information about NJTSS online: https://www.nj.gov/education/njtss/