Realtime Mobile App for Parents

  • We are delighted to present the Realtime Parent Portal Mobile App!  This app is a free download for cellular devices for parents that will keep you better informed of student absences and emergency alerts, as well as provide quick access to the Parent Portal that you have already been using. 

    Please see below for directions for Android devices and IOS devices.  Please follow the directions for your specific type of cellular device.

    **After the app is installed, you will be asked for the DISTRICT CODE.  Enter 0220 or search Bayonne Schools.

    You must have your parent portal login credentials to access this app.  All login information was emailed to parents.  Please contact for login assistance.  

    **You must log into the actual Parent Portal website BEFORE using the mobile app, to update login credentials.

    **Report Cards and Progress Reports may not load properly while using the mobile app--we STRONGLY suggest using the Parent Portal webpage to view these documents.

    Parent Portal Webpage:


    **For Mobile App or Parent Portal assistance, please email: