- Bayonne School District
- Welcome
Parent Portal Assistance
The Bayonne Board of Education is excited to announce the transition to a new Student Information System called Genesis, which will replace the current parent and student portal platforms in Realtime. Parents will receive detailed portal instructions and login information in mid to late August.
The Parent Portal connects parents/guardians to students’ data online, anytime, from anywhere there is Internet access. Once the Portal is accessed by a secure username and password, information about your child’s progress can be viewed.
Making this information-rich connection with parents is a useful way to improve communication between teachers, parents and students. Access to the Parent Portal can be gained from home, work, cell phone, or anywhere an Internet connection can be established. The Parent Portal is a free service to our district families and an excellent resource for you to monitor your child’s progress.
The Parent Portal is now open! You should have received an email with your unique login information. Login information will only go to the primary email address on the account. If you forgot your password, please click the "Forgot My Password" button under the login screen to receive an email to reset your password. If you are still unable to login, please email portalhelp@bboed.org for assistance.
2024 -2025 Genesis Parent Portal Login Instructions
1. Instructions to Login
Go to the BBOED Genesis Parent Portal and enter the username (your full email address) and password that was emailed to you. If you do not know your username and password, click "Forgot My Password". At the prompt, enter your email address that is on file with the school district. An email with instructions will be sent to that address as soon as possible. If you have a problem accessing your account, please contact the child's assigned guidance counselor.
2. Once logged in, please complete the following tasks:
Complete Forms:
In the Parent portal, please go to the “Forms” tab, and complete all forms listed for each child. Please read through each form, answer any questions and electronically sign where indicated. Once completed, you must finalize each form. To finalize the form, click on "Update Answers", check the "Finalize" box, and then click on "Update Answers" again. You will know that a form has been submitted when you see a green check and a submitted date noted. Once a form is finalized, you can no longer edit the information in it. You will need to contact the main office of your child's school to make any changes to a finalized form.
The forms must be completed to access your child’s schedule.
Review Students:
Click on the “Student Data” tab at the top of the screen and scroll down to verify that all of your children are displayed. If not, please contact portalhelp@bboed.org.
Review Contacts:
Please review and update your contact information. Click on "Contacts" and make sure that all your contact information is current, including Emergency Contacts.
3. Accessing student schedule/teacher assignment:
To access a student schedule, click on the “Student Data" then "Student Summary” tabs.As the year progresses, more features and information will be made available!
How to Acknowledge Required Documents

How to Complete Required Forms

Student Release Forms: This important form is where parents can sign the Student Media Release along with other important information!
Student Medical History Form: This form is required for all new students prior to beginning school!
How to Update Contacts