English Language Arts
Grades 6 - 8

myPerspectives is a powerful English language arts curriculum for Grades 6–8 that values the perspective of the learner, collectively and individually, and provides next-gen learning experiences that promote higher achievement and develop the competencies needed for college and career readiness. Interactive learning blends print and technology in a student-centered, teacher-inspired classroom.
Novels are an important part of the ELA curriculum for students in grades 6-8. Each novel has been carefully selected and aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Among novels, a variety of supplemental materials and internet-based resources are also used to drive instruction in the classroom to ensure mastery of the literacy skills being taught.
The Parent Portal is a resource provided for parents throughout the district that allows parents to gain access to their child’s school information and keep up with daily activities.
Please refer back to the Bayonne Board of Education home page for access to resources and information for the district as well as the Elementary Schools and classroom direct websites.